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SENTRY Short Range Infra Red Beams

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SENTRY Short Range Infra Red Beams

SENTRY Short Range Infra-Red Beams

SENTRY Short Range Infra-Red Beams

The SENTRY Infra-Red Beam System is a short-range modulated infra-red beam suitable for most general security and gate automation applications.

SENTRY Short Range Infra Red Beams:

The product consists of a matching transmitter and receiver pair with a maximum working distance of 15 metres. The product is ideally suited for use as a safety beam for swing and sliding gate installations, and as a safety beam for roll-up garage door operators such as the SENTRY DCC02.

The product uses a modulated beam to reduce the risk of false signals when used as a perimeter beam for alarm system applications and is simple to install and align. This product is suitable for outdoor use provided certain conditions are met with respect to sealing cable entry points.

The SENTRY Short Range Infra Red Beams recognised as a world leading product in automation systems. SENTRY Short Range Infra Red Beams are manufactured by Electronic Automation leader Martin Electronics.

Technical Specification:

Power Source: 12V - 24V

Range: ~15m 

Wavelength: 840nm